Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week 8

#18 - Google Docs and Zoho Writer

I knew creating documents in Microsoft Word was easy, but this was very handy, especially if Word isn't available to use. There isn't much difference between Google and Zoho. Both work the same way. I've posted both here in my blog. One you will see the smiley faces, and the other you won't. Maybe one day they will appear on the screen, but until then, I'm letting you know. Creating documents using these two programs is very convenient. The only problem I faced using the applications was in Zoho. It was a slow process, but it did process my information. Google went very fast. Either way, I liked using an online writing tool. Now when I'm away and need to create a document to use later on, I can create one online and when I get home, there's my document. Very neat!

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