Thursday, August 9, 2007

Week 9

#23: Finished!

Wow, it's finally over for me...or is it? I've learned so much doing this program that I'd love to continue and find what else is out there for me to try and possibly use. It taught me so many things that I could have been using in my daily life, such as the online document creations I can use through Google Documents. I'm always needing something to write information down, and half the time I can't seem to find a paper and pen. With this option, all I need is the Internet and boom, I can write down whatever thoughts I have. I also enjoyed creating a Rollyo for piano instructions. I was able to share my ideas and thoughts to whoever discovers my Rollyo and hopefully help them enjoy the piano as much as I do.

This program has given me, well I don't know what words to use, but basically I want to keep learning. I want to see what else is out there. Like I said before, I want to continue and learn more. I've shared my thoughts and ideas not only in this blog, but with friends and family, and what I have been able to discover has helped people that are in my life also, which is a great feeling. So, I guess you can say I've learned and I taught through this program.

If this program was ever offered again, or something similar to it, I'd be all for it. It was fun and I enjoyed every minute of it!

Week 9

#22: Audiobooks

I've always used Overdrive for my downloadable books. I can find many books there that I enjoy reading or listening too if there is an audio file. I've never used Project Gutenberg before, so I gave it a try. It's rather nice to be able to find many different versions of a book. Although I can't read French, knowing that books are there available in that language is cool. I searched generally for most downloadable books and came across Sherlock Holmes. I've always enjoyed reading stories of Sherlock Holmes and Watson. I also think it's great that you can read the books online without having to download them. Of course, downloading them is always best, but still, the idea of reading them online with no downloads needed is awesome. You could be anywhere with an Internet connection and you can read the book.

I really like having the ability to 'check out' books online and read them on my own time. Some books, yes, have a limit to how long you can have it out, but others you can download and listen to them even past the due date. I like that idea, especially if you can't get to the library to check out books or books on tape. This is a great feature that libraries have, and I enjoy using it.

Week 9

#21: Podcasts

I've never listened to podcasts before. I think they are really neat after testing some of these sites. The site I found easiest to navigate was Yahoo Podcasts. I found some podcasts I liked, but the one I liked the best was Radio Disney.

I like Disney and hearing about new things coming to Disney, movies, singers and anything else related to Disney. I listened to a few of these, and they are rather good. I've also added this podcast to my favorite feeds in Bloglines. (

I did find a good book review podcast that I enjoyed listening too. It's called Between the Lines:

This podcast talks to authors of books as well as a review of the book. Opinions are given and facts are given. It's a great site to listen to reviews of books.

Week 9

#20: You Tube

You Tube has so many videos that viewers can watch. There are music videos, videos that were created by users, and there are videos that are slide shows. My favorite things on You Tube, aside from frogs, of course, are videos of silly hamsters. The video I'm placing on here is a hamster eating popcorn while laying on a piano. I can relate to this because I had hamsters most of my life. Right now I have gerbils, but hamsters are so funny. When they set their mind on something, you can do almost anything to them. This video I just couldn't stop laughing. I hope you enjoy it.

Using videos for library purposes is a great idea. Libraries could create videos that are informational, such as how to use the Internet or how to apply for a library card. Something along those lines. Instructional videos are best. I'm sure libraries can come up with many uses for creating video clips. I just think videos online are fun to watch, especially if you can find some instructional videos.

Here's the video:

Week 8

#19: Award Sites

I looked at many sites, of course the 'fun' sites including fuzzmail On this site/email, you can write an email to anyone you want, but it will show up as if you are typing it right before their eyes. It even has your mistakes that you correct as you're typing. This is very handy if you want to get a message across, but don't want it to sound like a letter.

Another site I thought was useful is This site can help you find used books, and even books that are out of print and hard to find at a normal bookstore. I did a search for Guinness World Records 1980 edition because my uncle is in the book for the largest cake ever baked, and I was able to find $1.50! Now that's a bargain. The prices for books on this site are great. Libraries can use this tool if a customer is looking for a particular book and the library is unable to locate the book. I think it could really help.

I think there are a lot of sites and tools on this list of award nominees that people would love to have or to try. I had a great time exploring them and I'm going to explore more when I have some more time!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week 8

#18 - Google Docs and Zoho Writer

I knew creating documents in Microsoft Word was easy, but this was very handy, especially if Word isn't available to use. There isn't much difference between Google and Zoho. Both work the same way. I've posted both here in my blog. One you will see the smiley faces, and the other you won't. Maybe one day they will appear on the screen, but until then, I'm letting you know. Creating documents using these two programs is very convenient. The only problem I faced using the applications was in Zoho. It was a slow process, but it did process my information. Google went very fast. Either way, I liked using an online writing tool. Now when I'm away and need to create a document to use later on, I can create one online and when I get home, there's my document. Very neat!

Testing the abilities of Google Docs:

cool I am testing this document.

cry Changing the Font in Google Docs.

embarassed Changing the Font.

foot in mouth Highlighting.

frown Emoticons!

innocent Changing the Font color.

  • kiss Bullets
  • Bullets again!

laughing ♥ΔÅ©®¾½¼∏ - Special Characters


Insert A Table

sealed Found out you can't edit the size of the Table.

smile Bold. Underline. Italics. All Three Together.

surprised Strikethrough.

tongue_out - Inserting an HTML

undecided - Adding Pictures! Tiny Frog!

wink Horizontal Rule

yell This is all I can do for this document. I just had one more smiley to use. It was fun!

Testing Zoho Writer

Testing the abilities of Zoho Writer:

cool   I am testing this document. 

cry       Changing the Font in Zoho Writer.  

embarassed  Changing the Font. 

foot in mouth  Highlighting.    

frown   Emoticons!

innocent   Changing the Font color.

kiss     Adding an Anchor

laughing   ♥ΔÅ©®¾½¼∏  - Special Characters


Insert A Table

sealed   Found out you can't edit the size of the Table. 

smile   Bold. Underline. Italics. All Three Together.

surprised   Strikethrough.

tongue_out  - Inserting an HTML


undecided     - Adding Pictures! Tiny Frog!


wink   Horizontal Rule

yell  This is all I can do for this document.  I just had one more smiley to use.  It was fun!

Week 7

#17: Sandbox Wiki

I added my blog as a link in the Maryland Libraries Sandbox today! Find it here: I've edited web pages before, so this one was easy for me. Simple clicks here and pastes there make it so easy to maneuver. I've never edited a Wiki before, so this was an experience for me. I liked the easy navigation and the clarity of each part of the page. It helped me to NOT get lost in the process of editing. If every wiki is this easy, than I can see why people use wikis everyday.

Week 7

#16: Wikis

Wikis seem great. They allow people to add or edit information on a special website. So many different places out there use wikis. I only thought of a wiki as attached to Wikilpedia though. I never knew so many existed out there. What I find interesting about wikis is that anyone can edit the information that is on the page. I wonder sometimes though if that information listed is correct or not. A good idea for libraries to use a wiki is to create a wiki that gives information about how to use different technologies, such as Firefox and Instant Messaging. With a site like this, people who use it for the instructions, can also edit it if there are any corrections, such as a missing step. Libraries can use this to an advantage and I think customers may find it appealing.

Week 6

#15: Perspectives

Librarians go through so much just to keep up with the changing world around. New technologies come out, and they are on top of it. There is one article I wanted to comment on: Transformations in the library over many years is only creating new ideas for the future. Starting out with just books on a shelf has changed to a magnitude of electronic resources for libraries. The future has so much to offer us as new ideas and technologies are appearing and, of course libraries, keep up with the changes. Library 2.0 is only the beginning for libraries. According to this article, the future of the library is to become a place of 'retreat.' The library has so many different ideas and thoughts, that it's best to put everything together as one. I think it's a great idea to merge all these ideas together as one and create one community. The future is going to happen, and the library is a part of this future.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Week 6

#14: Technorati

Technorati is a great tool. It searches for many different things with one keyword. I searched for Learning 2.0 and returned several results in Posts. Different questions that are asked can be answered by anyone who spots them in this search engine. Blogs return a different search. It will return anything that relates to a '2.0' of anything, such as Engineering. But it does return results for Library Learning just have to search for it to find it.

Technorati has already put aside some popular searches with tags on the homepage. Click on one of these words and you are taken to another site with all related links to that particular wording. Take for instance, Harry Potter since I'm a Harry Potter fan. This is one of the popular links that Technorati has on the homepage. Click on that link and you are taken to many photos, blogs, and clips/videos about the movie. It's rather a great way to explore the Internet from one site.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Week 6

#13: Tagging and

Tagging and Bookmarking are great ideas for those who want to search for something and not constantly repeat their actions. Particular sites and forums can be bookmarked for use later on. Tagging works with one just one word. You can choose a word that's pretty close to the idea of a page, and when you click on that word, you also get many other pages in relation. Also, you can see other's ideas of sites even before you enter them. You can read their comments and then judge for yourself.

I found many different things while exploring these two ideas. I found more sites I never knew existed that can help with learning. One such site that I was particularly interested in was ZOHO Planner ( I came across this site when searching for online learning tools. This is an office online! You can do everything, have conferences, calendars, you can organize things, and you can even create documents to use later on, sort of like using a WORD document.

Clicking around and reading different stories and blogs can really teach you a lot of things. I enjoyed every minute of it. I think bookmarking and tagging is very useful. It can be used for both research and just an easy way of accessing previously found sites. If used for research, someone could find one word (tagging) and be sent to many different places on the Internet. They can view people's thoughts about that site as well. If used for fun, creating an account and saving sites (bookmarking), someone could access their information from wherever they are. Bookmarking and Tagging are great!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Week 5

#12: Rollyo

I love to play the piano, so I thought why not a search for online piano lessons? Maybe others can learn how soothing and exciting playing the piano can be. Here's my Rollyo:

I think creating a Rollyo is very good for people who search for the same things over and over and want to share their findings with others who may search for the same thing. It's an easy way to put many different websites together into one search. It also saves time searching throughout the Internet to find exactly what one would want. It's an excellent tool and I had so much fun creating one!

I've been Tagged!

Here's how it works: Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, and then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged, and asking them to read your blog to find out how it works!

So here are 8 facts about me:

1. I love frogs, in case you were wondering.
2. I can't drink 'dark' sodas with caffeine. I get a horrible 24-hr headache. It has to be caffeine free or else I'm stuck.
3. I have 2 adorable gerbils: Mopsy and Flopsy...both male, but the names just fit.
4. I'm getting married in 2009 finally!
5. I'm a Harry Potter Fan.
6. I've been singing since 5th grade and most recently I've sung for the American Cancer Society.
I love to scrapbook.
8. I'm really I am. Thanks to my great, great, great grandmother.

So here is who I am tagging - Bahama Mama, Daytripping through Libraryland, cats at home, Tooty Ta Ta, Snowlady, pianoplayer, mother of the bride, and Pooh's Place. Hurry TAG YOUR IT. COME OUT AND PLAY!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Week 5

#11: LibraryThing

LibraryThing is a great way to catalog the books you either are reading, want to read, or own. Creating an account was very easy. All I had to do was enter a user name and password and I was registered instantly. It was a lot of fun searching for items that I own. Check out my list so far:

I only have 5 right now, but that's all the books I can remember at the moment. This site also links you to other people who share the same interests that you do. It's like a small library forum. It's very cool.

Week 5

#10: Online Image Generator

Wow, so many sites out there to choose from! And I can only choose one? That's not fair. Well, I think I'll choose LolCat Generator. You can see my image in this post.

I've never created my own images before. This was so much fun. The only time I ever did something like this was in school because I had to and they had the programs there to create images. Now that I can access them, it's so much fun!

I explored so many different sites, and I chose this one to put on my blog because...well isn't it just so cute?! The sneaky bunny was being mischievous and sneaking away a cookie for himself. I didn't even know bunnies liked cookies. Well, I guess I do now!

There were so many different sites, even a telegram site. You write in a message and select a girl or guy and they sing the message. It's very neat. And of course it's always awesome to create something funny from a picture you have or have found. I even created a ninja message. He runs across the screen with his ninja sword and 'cuts' the words on the screen. ...Very nifty! I had a lot of fun with image generators. If you want to try some out, click here:

Week 4

#9: Merlin

Merlin is a great site to find different links to the most up to date technology. There's anything from simple searches to detailed searches. I like Topix. As soon as I opened the webpage for it, Baltimore MD appeared with the latest up to date news stories. This is helpful so that someone doesn't have to always go through several webpages to find information. It's always current.

I like games, and I found on Merlin links to different game demos as well as creating avatars for a blog or just for fun. I used Meez, which I never heard of. While creating a Meez, it didn't differ too much difference than a Meego that's used by MSN. It was fun to create one and animate it. I don't think it will animate on here.
Merlin offers many opportunities for library staff to learn about technologies and different products, including gaming! I did find a site that I liked finding feeds off of...Feedster. First off, it was very colorful. Second, it was very easy to search for whatever you were looking for. And it returns many results from many different applications. It's very easy to navigate through. It's something I don't mind using if I'm looking for anything in particular.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Week 4

#8: Bloglines

I created a Bloglines account and found many different forums and sites that I never knew existed before. It's amazing how everything that I enjoy reading online is now all in one place for me. No more search this and search that. I can just go to one place and there they all are. Check out my feeds:

There were so many good sites to choose from. I couldn't choose all of them or it would defeat the purpose! So, I chose at least 10 for now. I may go back and choose more if I come across something else. I'm an animal person, I like Harry Potter, scrapbooking, and I'm getting married. So, I figured why not choose something from all of those categories. I did a mix of different feeds for my bloglines and it's wonderful! I can check it everyday. I can get ideas for my wedding that I didn't know before. I can find new ideas for my scrapbooking. And I can even keep up with news from Harry Potter. It's amazing what a simple button click can create. If I had known about this years ago, I wouldn't have so many favorites listed on my computer.

I could use this not only in my personal life, but at work too. At work, there are many new technologies coming out, and with a simple news feed 'bookmarked' as one would say, it's easier to just click and read instead of going to or and searching for information that could be right in front of you. Libraries could use this technique too. My thoughts are if the information desk receives a lot of questions regarding a particular topic in the news today, instead of searching online for an answer for the customer, there could be an RSS feed located on a main site that the librarians could use. With a simple click, they could make the customer happy by getting a swift answer. I don't know much about working behind an information desk, but I have been one of those customers who asks a lot of questions to a librarian.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Week 3

#7: Tech Blog

I think the best thing that I've ever discovered technology related is instant messaging. The people who created this idea and the programs associated with it did an amazing job. I communicate to many of my friends through instant messengers, such as Yahoo, AOL, and MSN. My friends don't live near me, or they have lives where they don't have all the time in the world to go out with me. In order for me to stay in touch, it's through instant messaging. It's a great communication tool beside email and phone, oh and text messaging. I also like meeting new people online, just to have someone to chat with, even if they are in California. I love being on the computer doing whatever I can get my hands on, and with instant messaging, it just makes it all the better for me. I like instant messaging, anyone else?

Week 3

#6: Flickr Mash-Ups and Third Party Sites
I've always wondered what it would be like to create a magazine. Now, I was able to create a cover for one! It was so easy to make. A simple click of a button and there's the cover...barcode and all. It's really neat to be able to do something like this. A little while ago I played Sneaks for my library at a local event. I had to try the costume on for size before I was able to wear it out. So, I paraded around my office and the cameras came out. This was one of them. Don't I look so happy? I created a SNEAKS Magazine. It was a lot of fun.
The ability to create these ideas is wonderful. With the use of API's, or Application Programming Interface, people can create anything their minds can think of to use digital photographs. I just happened across the magazine cover. You can create anything you desire, including trading cards and a miniature billboard that you would see on the side of the road. The site that I used ( allowed me to create this wonderful masterpiece. Doesn't it look great? I wonder if there could ever be a SNEAKS Magazine?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Week 3

Part b: Create a Flikr account

Check out my account:

It has one of our library's information desk!

Week 3

Interesting Image (part a)

I looked around on Flikr and since I'm an animal person, I thought I'd go to the 'Hot Tags' page. I clicked on Animals and I found hundreds of them. They're all so cute, but I came across this image of wild horses. It brings back college memories for me.

When I was in college, I used to ride horses next door to my college in between classes to kill off some time. It felt wonderful to feel the wind in my face and smell the fresh air. I loved helping out my neighbor take care of the horses. Interestingly enough, I met this person in a car accident I had outside of her place, well her boss' place anyway. She was the horse keeper. I was in a 5 car accident two houses down from the entrance of my school. I was alright, and she was riding the horses when she heard the accident happen, so she came out and helped direct traffic until the cops got there. I helped her out since I was alright. After a while of talking, and the cops went away, just before I got back into my car to go to school, she asked if I wanted to ever come over and help out with the horses. She'd teach me to ride them too. I've been on the normal rides where you have a guide pulling the horses around, but never was I able to ride one without help. So, I took her up on her offer.

I went over there a few days later and went riding about once or twice a week with her and my fiance. These weren't regular stable horses. These were retired race horses. I could really tell they were retired when they decided to start racing and I had to hold on so I wouldn't fall off. They were friendly though. I enjoyed myself so much over there. After a while, however, I had to stop coming over. I graduated school. I do miss riding horses though.

Looking at images that people post online is a great way for me to bring back memories. It's very interesting to see what a simple image can trigger in a person's mind. Flikr is great with allowing only handmade photos, not those copyrighted ones. These images truly show what people want to see.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Week 1: General Excercise

1 - Headphones check
2 - Watching and Listening
3 - 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners - My thoughts

There were two Habits which I felt that are easiest for me when learning something:

Habit 1: Begin with the End in Mind
I felt this was easiest because whenever I start any project, whether it be something to learn or something to create, I always look ahead at what the outcome will be. I think of my goals first, where I want the project/idea to go, and try and discover the end results. I do all this before I start. This way, I have an idea of where I'm going and a path to try and follow. There are times I run into road blocks along the way and I have to edit my goal, but the end results are always the way I had expected, or close to it.

Habit 6: Use Technology to your Advantage
I also felt this was easiest because I'm a technology girl. I love technology. I like to learn mostly by viewing things on a computer, whether it be a PowerPoint presentation, a web page, video, or even just a document. If it's on a computer, I like it. I also like watching tutorials, either on a TV, computer screen, or anything else that can show tutorials. Technology is also a great way to do many things in life. It's a great accomplice, such as exercising to music. I can usually always find a way to learn with technology.

As far as finding a habit that would be most difficult, I would have to choose:

Habit 4: Have Confidence in Yourself as a Competitive, Effective Learner
I felt this would be the most difficult because there are times that I find myself not believing that I can do something when aiming at a goal. I try hard, but depending on the road block, I can quickly loose confidence and go away from my goal. A statement that I read in this 'habit' - "Don't say it or think it unless you want it to be true" really means something to me. I feel it will be one of my motivating statements while I'm going through this process as well as anything else in my life. If I want something to happen, and I know that it can and will happen, I'll speak up. But if I don't feel it will, I won't say anything at all. I don't want to feel bad in the end when something bombs. I want to have a positive outlook on things, thus making confidence a partly hard goal for me. I will give it a shot though!

Week 1


I've read the instructions of what to do with the 7 1/2 habits of Lifelong Learners. I am anxious to get started, so I'm going to listen to the 7 1/2 habits and report back when I'm done! Look for my next post soon.

Week 1


I've not had a blog before, so I thought this was a great idea that our library has to offer us. I read the information provided here and I was amazed at what this learning experience will teach me. I can't wait to learn about all the different technolgies out there and what may be coming up in the future. I especially want to learn about podcasting and wikis. I hear about them, but I have never really experienced them before. Listening to the podcast and reading was great to help me understand what I'm about to dive into.