Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Week 6

#14: Technorati

Technorati is a great tool. It searches for many different things with one keyword. I searched for Learning 2.0 and returned several results in Posts. Different questions that are asked can be answered by anyone who spots them in this search engine. Blogs return a different search. It will return anything that relates to a '2.0' of anything, such as Engineering. But it does return results for Library Learning 2.0...you just have to search for it to find it.

Technorati has already put aside some popular searches with tags on the homepage. Click on one of these words and you are taken to another site with all related links to that particular wording. Take for instance, Harry Potter since I'm a Harry Potter fan. This is one of the popular links that Technorati has on the homepage. Click on that link and you are taken to many photos, blogs, and clips/videos about the movie. It's rather a great way to explore the Internet from one site.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Week 6

#13: Tagging and del.icio.us

Tagging and Bookmarking are great ideas for those who want to search for something and not constantly repeat their actions. Particular sites and forums can be bookmarked for use later on. Tagging works with one just one word. You can choose a word that's pretty close to the idea of a page, and when you click on that word, you also get many other pages in relation. Also, you can see other's ideas of sites even before you enter them. You can read their comments and then judge for yourself.

I found many different things while exploring these two ideas. I found more sites I never knew existed that can help with learning. One such site that I was particularly interested in was ZOHO Planner (http://planner.zoho.com/jsp/home.jsp?targetURL=%2Flogin.do) I came across this site when searching for online learning tools. This is an office online! You can do everything here...chat, have conferences, calendars, you can organize things, and you can even create documents to use later on, sort of like using a WORD document.

Clicking around and reading different stories and blogs can really teach you a lot of things. I enjoyed every minute of it. I think bookmarking and tagging is very useful. It can be used for both research and just an easy way of accessing previously found sites. If used for research, someone could find one word (tagging) and be sent to many different places on the Internet. They can view people's thoughts about that site as well. If used for fun, creating an account and saving sites (bookmarking), someone could access their information from wherever they are. Bookmarking and Tagging are great!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Week 5

#12: Rollyo

I love to play the piano, so I thought why not a search for online piano lessons? Maybe others can learn how soothing and exciting playing the piano can be. Here's my Rollyo:


I think creating a Rollyo is very good for people who search for the same things over and over and want to share their findings with others who may search for the same thing. It's an easy way to put many different websites together into one search. It also saves time searching throughout the Internet to find exactly what one would want. It's an excellent tool and I had so much fun creating one!

I've been Tagged!

Here's how it works: Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, and then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged, and asking them to read your blog to find out how it works!

So here are 8 facts about me:

1. I love frogs, in case you were wondering.
2. I can't drink 'dark' sodas with caffeine. I get a horrible 24-hr headache. It has to be caffeine free or else I'm stuck.
3. I have 2 adorable gerbils: Mopsy and Flopsy...both male, but the names just fit.
4. I'm getting married in 2009 finally!
5. I'm a Harry Potter Fan.
6. I've been singing since 5th grade and most recently I've sung for the American Cancer Society.
I love to scrapbook.
8. I'm royalty...no really I am. Thanks to my great, great, great grandmother.

So here is who I am tagging - Bahama Mama, Daytripping through Libraryland, cats at home, Tooty Ta Ta, Snowlady, pianoplayer, mother of the bride, and Pooh's Place. Hurry TAG YOUR IT. COME OUT AND PLAY!